
《像他這樣一個知識分子》《Ravelstein》Saul Bellow著




Odd that mankind's benefactors should be amusing people.



But critics said that he was frivolous and his own Secretary of War referred to him as an ape.

按:「Secretary of War」自然並非軍事秘書。這裡的他說的是林肯總統,當時的「Secretary of War」等於現在的倫斯斐。


Among the debunkers and spoofers who formed the tastes and minds of my generation H. L. Mencken was the most prominent.



To Darrow and Mencken, Bryan the Special Creationist was a doomed Farm Belt absurdity. In the language of evolutionary theory Bryan was a dead branch of the life-tree.



His views on Special Creation were subjected to extreme ridicule at the trial, and Bryan went the way of the pterodactyl—the clumsy version of an idea which later succeeded—the gliding reptiles becoming warm-blooded birds that flew and sang.

按:「went the way of the pterodactyl」不是「採取翼手龍的方式」。隨便造個句好了:Old-fashioned hospitality went the way of the dinosaur. 這總不會是「老式待客之道採取了恐龍的方式」吧?「clumsy version of an idea which later succeeded」也不是「做法笨拙,後來概念成功」。成功的是演化概念的粗陋版本;i.e. 翼手龍演化成鳥。


"Terrific, isn't it, having this pop circus?" said Ravelstein.



He had leaned on the management to put him into this coveted suite.

按:他和管理部門是否有關係不得而知,但是「lean on」= 「施壓」。


…… the Seine with its pompous bridges, palaces, gardens. Of course these were great things to see, but they were greater today for being shown from the penthouse by Ravelstein, who only last year had been a hundred thousand dollars in debt. Maybe more.

按:「pompous」譯成「壯觀」稍嫌不足,「浮誇」或較妥。「great things to see」解為「偉大的景物」可能太過。不過就是挺不錯的觀光景點罷了。這句的重點在於之所以能在高處俯瞰這些巴黎市中心的景色,是因為主角住在昂貴大飯店的頂樓套房。而不過一年前主角還負債累累,現在不僅無債一身清,還能揮金如土住在這種地方,招待親朋好友前來參觀,景色自然倍加賞心悅目啦!然而從原譯中感受不到這個重點。



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